Pow Wow. O-Kee Jee Gallery Chicago
, 1997.
Chicago Jazz and Blues. Mersin Opera House, 1995.
Mothers of Motherland. Mersin Art Gallery, 1995
Istanbul. SESI Gallery, Chicago, 1994.
Art-O-Rama Gallery. Chicago IL, 1991.
Hild Sulzer Cultural Center,Chicago, IL, 1991.
Selections. Hatton Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 1978.
Kizlay Gallery, Ankara 1970.
M.E.T.U. Gallery Ankara, 1967.
Tarsus IS Bank Gallery, 1967.
Hacettepe University Art Gallery,1966
H.U Art Club Exhibition, Ankara 1964.
Lectured Mersin Art Institute,
on the History of Photography,
Photo Composition, Dark Room Techniques.
Organized workshops, trips of on landscape photography, Environmental
and Socially concious photography.
Freelanced for SIPA press Paris, Anotolian Press Agency, Republic
Freedom Newspapers.
In charge of METU University photo lab.
Organized many educational exhibits.
Works published in books and jounals.
Awarded by Du Sable Museum of Chicago, and
purchased for
permanent collection.
Selected and purchased for permanent collection
by Evanston Art Couincil Etnic Arts Festival Comittee.
City of Ankara Mayors Special Award on
City and Children.
Best Print Award N. Shields Photo Association.
Honorary Mention, Rural Landscapes, Erice Trapani, Italy.
Best Portrait, Photo Guild of Ankara..
Best Exhibition of the Year, Cine- Photo Magazine.